Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Elevator Vandalism

In the last several weeks the elevators have been badly vandelized. The inner linings of the elevators have been smashed and ripped out by vandals and in the last few days, the metal trimmings have also been forcibly removed. Considering all the problems, I simply do not understand why the building management does not invest in security cameras? It would be much cheaper to install security cameras that would serve a very useful purpose than to have to constantly repair damage from vandalism. But then this may just be too logical for a slum lord to understand.


  1. Teenager with his friends living on 1st floor ....

  2. This has been brought to the managements attenition time and time again. it is a kid on the first floor and his punk friends who have absolutely nothing better to do and his mother allows her appartment to be used as a flop house by him and all his friends. the stairwell is now completely vandalized, and they are quite artists drawing on almost every floor. they are completely and utterly disrespectful, there is nothing done about it and all on the first floor are appalled with the lack of recognition and consequence brought to this matter.

    1. Unless you have solid proof, you should not make accusations like this. Remember we have prostiution going on in this building which management knows about and has allowed for years. This brings all kinds of people into the building because there is virtually no security. So how can you just blame this on the kids. There are many more factors to consider. I have asked management to install cameras MANY TIMES but they refuse. As appalled as I am about this situation in this building (like you), without solid proof your comments are simply reckless and slanderous.

    2. We do have proof on the teenager and punk friends ...ur the one who does not what ur talking about or maybe ur protecting them!

  3. Surprise...surprise. A robeery on the 1st floor, on the terrace level. there is no access to the terrace except for those who live on that side. Thia is just one more incident to be added to many complaints and reports made about the the kid that lives on the 1st floor and his friends who have taken over his mothers appartment.

  4. Easy to accuse when one hasn't the guts to identify themselves ...Shame on you

    1. Listen lady, ur a lousy mother and that,s it! Your kid is a punk!

    2. completely agree!!!!!!

    3. Please lady everyone on all 16 floors knows your kid and their friends. Face reality your kid is a punk and headed for big trouble. Maybe the problem is you, making constant excuses and refusing to face reality will get him no where. Be a mother, stand up and face the fact that he is clearly troubled.


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